
Inclusive REskilling and upSkilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sectoR: European agenda StraTegy

UNITO - Italy

Università degli Studi di Torino

UNITO, DISAFA Department offers the Agricultural sciences, Science and Food Technology both at bachelor and Master’s Degree. About 2000 students are enrolled in curricula related to the…



Confederazione Generale dell’Agricoltura Italiana

CONFAGRICOLTURA is the organisation that represents the Italian agricultural enterprises (145 000 companies and 222 000 farmers, 367 000 in total). CONFAGRI acknowledges the leading role of…


WUR - Netherlands

Wageningen University

Wageningen University and Research Centre, Mission: To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life; Ambition: To become the most important University in the domain of healthy…


ISEKI - Austria

ISEKI-Food Association

European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain. Independent European non-profit organisation, Platform for Teachers, students, trainers, food…


CBHU - United Kingdom

Campden BRI

Campden BRI has been undertaking pioneering research for over 100 years and continues to do so. Whether it’s writing global standards that are adopted throughout the industry, supporting manufacturers with their zero alcohol drinks, or developing concepts for culturing meat in space, we have always been there for you and will continue to be so.


AERES - Netherlands

AERES Barneveld

Aeres offers a variety of activities in the green sector, from education and research programmes to development projects, innovation projects, commercial courses and services. Aeres is contributing…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

CLAN - Italy

Cluster Agrifood Nazionale

CL.A.N. (Cluster Agrifood Nazionale) is a multi-stakeholder association in the agri-food sector that brings together companies, trade associations, universities, research organizations, training bodies, and local representatives.


University of Hohenheim

EFFAT- Belgium

European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions

As a European Trade Union Federation representing 116 national trade unions from 37 European countries, EFFAT defends the interests of more than 25 million workers towards the European Institutions…


Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

AU- Denmark

 Aarhus Universitet

Established in 1928, Aarhus University has since developed into a major Danish university with a strong international reputation across the entire research spectrum. Aarhus University is a nationwide…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

CLITRAVI - Belgium

Vereniging Centre De Liaison Des Industries Transformatrices De Viandes De L’UE

CLITRAVI, the Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the European Union, is the EU business association representing the European Meat Processing sector. The Association has 26 members,…


University of Hohenheim

ESAC - Portugal

Escola Superior Agraria de Coimbra

The Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra (ESAC), part of the Coimbra Polytechnic since 1985, has a history of more than 130 years.
The school is proud of its centuries-old past and values and publicises it…


Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

CONFAGRI PT - Portugal

Confederação Nacional das Cooperativas Agrícolas and do Crédito Agrícola de Portugal

Founded in October 1985, with the essential purpose of contributing to the balanced and efficient growth and development of the Cooperative Sector and, in particular, of Portuguese Agriculture, the…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

FarmB - Greece

FarmB Digital Agriculture S.A.

FarmB offers technological solutions for all types of agri-businesses (from producers to consultants and processors) and focuses on the development IoT and AI applications for the holistic assessment of the information collected in field from sensors…


University of Hohenheim

GZS - Slovenia

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

GZS – CCIS-CAFE is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, interest group of legal entities. Function in a regional independent manner and in view of our members…


Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

LVA - Austria

Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt/Food Research Institute

Austria’s leading private institute of food testing (funded in 1927). LVA offers extensive services for the food industry retail and are committed to the highest standards in fulfilling their…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

FJ-BLT - Austria

HBLFA Francisco Josephinum Wieselburg 

The Francisco Josephinum, founded in 1869 in Mödling near Vienna, moved to Weinzierl Castle near Wieselburg in 1934 and has since developed into an internationally important teaching and research center…


University of Hohenheim

EBVS - Netherlands

European Board of Veterinary Specialisation

The European Board of Veterinary Specialisation is composed of one voting representative from each of the 27 EBVS-recognized veterinary specialist colleges, comprising more than 38 distinct…


Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

FIAB - Spain

Spanish Federation about Food and Drink Federation

FIAB was created in 1977 to represent – through one organization with a single voice– the Spanish food and drinks industry, the foremost industrial sector of the country and even international…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

FDE - Belgium

FoodDrink Europe

FoodDrinkEurope wants to ensure: That the importance of the food and drink industry to the European economy is recognised; That the strength of the Single Market is increased, and fragmentation of…


University of Hohenheim

EIT-FOOD - Belgium

European Institute of Innovation and Technology

EIT Food is the world’s largest innovation ecosystem for food systems transformation. As a Knowledge Innovation Community co-funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), it…


Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

INFOR - Italy


INFOR ELEA is a consortium of 250 enterprises officially recognised as a training provider by local public authority Regione Piemonte. It’s a merger of two big training companies: INFOR established…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

SEVT - Greece

Federation of Hellenic Food Industries

The Federation of Hellenic Food Industries represents the Greek Food & Drink Industry at national, European and international level. Membership is made up of food and drink companies and sector…


University of Hohenheim

ICOS - Ireland

Irish Cooperative Organisation Society

Representative Body for the Co-Operative Movement in Ireland. ICOS serves and promotes commercial co-operative businesses and enterprise, across multiple sections of the Irish economy. Collective…


Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

Polito - Italy

Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino was the first Italian Engineering School founded in the wave of the technical and scientific innovation that gave rise to the most prestigious European polytechnic schools in the mid-19th century…


AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

UMU - Spain

Universidad de Murcia

The University of Murcia (UMU or UM) is a public research university in Murcia, southeastern of Spain, nearby the Mediterranean Sea. Founded in 1905, is number 10th of the oldest Spanish Universities…


University of Hohenheim

UNITE - Italy

Università degli studi di Teramo

University of Teramo (UniTE) develops research and Higher Education activities in two main areas related to humanities (law, politics and communication sciences), and scientific disciplines (…


University of Hohenheim

TUM - Germany

Technical University of Munich

Our Schools form the academic foundation of our university, connected by integrative research institutes at the interfaces between disciplines. Through system-integrative networking in the course of our extensive TUM Agenda…